Family Support Seminar Series 2023
Kupuna Care Pair has proudly partnered with the Honolulu City & County Elderly Affairs Division to conduct a public presentation series to caregivers in the community. This multi-year presentation series is funded by the Federal Older Americans Act, and provides support to family caregivers who currently care for kupuna at home.
Peer Exclusion at Care Facilities
Thought cliques ended at the school cafeteria? Peer exclusion is sadly real for kūpuna with lower physical abilities and cognitive conditions. Generally it's better for kupuna to feel like the biggest fish in the tidepool rather than a manini beyond the reef.
Size Matters: be like Goldilocks
When evaluating the size of care settings, you have to think like Goldilocks: each individual kupuna needs a setting that is not too big, not too small, but just right.
Technology can support, but not substitute, a human caregiver
It seems obvious. Nobody suddenly wakes up and decides that they want to leave their at-risk kupuna at home alone without supervision.
When is it time to move out of home?
It's a balancing act for families to manage the care needs of their kupuna vs finances, and to get the timing right for when to seek care. But it may be even more expensive in the long run if a kupuna suffers an injury with lasting damage. If there are any "near misses" or other incidents, then it is already time to seek care for your kupuna.
Home is where the heart is…but ‘loving’ isn’t the same as ‘caregiving’
We all want what's best for our kūpuna. But it's easy to confuse loving our kūpuna with providing care for our kūpuna. So many families become stressed and fractured by trying to provide care to their kūpuna, and sometimes the result can be disastrous.
Frequently-asked questions about senior care
In our post, we outline seven very common questions that family members end up ask themselves throughout the process.
How to Choose the Right Senior Care for Your Kupuna
Most of all, people believe they have the luxury of time. They believe that their loved ones can handle themselves for now, and that senior care can be figured out later, when it becomes necessary.
The Big Problem with Figuring Out Senior Care
Many people don’t even know where to start when trying figuring out senior care. They don’t know what information they should be looking up, or where they should look, or even what questions they should be asking. Basically, they don’t know what they don’t know.
A Crash Course in Types of Elderly Care
Not knowing the broad differences between the care options means you might waste valuable time, energy, and money or (worse yet) settle on something inappropriate for your kupuna.
Avoid costly mistakes and narrow your search to the right category of care, before you begin to make phone calls to individual facilities.