Find the right type of care in a few clicks
If you’re unsure what type of care service or facility is right for your Kupuna, start by taking our anonymous quiz.
Our quiz will make a recommendations based on care needs, budget, and personal preferences.
(NOTE: in order for the quiz to work properly, you must answer every question)
Now that you know the category of care service or facility that is best for your Kupuna, go deeper into the details below.
Licensed Care Services and Facilities in Hawaiʻi
For a detailed description of each service and facility, click on the categories below.
Adult Day Care & Adult Day Health Programs
Group activities, meals, and socialization during the day
Home Care & Home Health Agencies
Care and nursing services at one’s personal residence
Intermediate Care & Skilled Nursing Facilities
Nursing services in a clinical setting
Independent Living & Assisted Living Facilities
Communal living with various services and provided
Community Care Foster Family Homes
Nursing care in an intimate, family setting

Once you know the best fit for your kupuna, start searching our
elderly care marketplace
Also check out our industry-insider tips on navigating aging and receiving care from professionals.